Cole Kachejian |
(631) 972-7781 |
EXPERIENCEProduction TechnicianSEPTEMBER 2019 – DECEMBER 2021, SUNY PLATTSBURGH Hired by Leah Sweeny and Barry Brown Synopsis of Position: Gained experience in light and sound rigging for events, designing light cues, stage management, basic set design, audio monitoring (mics, speakers, media). Events included but were not limited to concerts, fashion shows, college admission events, assembly meetings, theater productions, and acoustic cafes. Media Equipment Cage AttendantJANUARY 2024 – MAY 2024, EMPLOYEE of SUNY PLATTSBURGH Hired by Bruce Carlin Synopsis of Position: As a cage attendant, my responsibilities included taking inventory of all media equipment that is stored for student reservations, along with performing daily maintenance on equipment to ensure everything is functioning properly and is clean for use. In addition, as a cage attendant, I was assigned to collaborate with Warp Radio Station at SUNY Plattsburgh, to assist in compiling and organizing song lists from a variety of artists to be played on air. Plattsburgh State Television: Director, Producer, Writer, Actor, ReporterAUGUST 2019 – MAY 2024, SUNY PLATTSBURGH Plattsburgh State Television granted the experience to work as a crew member, production manager, and talent across a variety of narrative shows and weekly on-air news. PSTV offered me the opportunity to work with industry standard video, audio, and lighting equipment. |
EDUCATION:Bachelor Degree in TV/Video Production Bachelor Degree in Psychology SKILLS
ORGANIZATIONS/CLUBSOmicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society – Fall 2023 – Present Psi Chi National Psychology Honor Society – Spring 2021 – Present Lambda Pi Eta National Communications Honor Society – Fall 2023 – Present Phi Eta Sigma National Freshman Honor Society – Spring 2023 – Present Pinky Swear Pack Cancer Foundation – Spring 2023 – Present |